Tuesday 16 December 2008


My whole video is about day to day life when you get one cretin point in the day it like rewinds it self back to then start of the day again like you live the same thing everyday where I showed my video was on the fourth floor in room T45 it was on a small computer screen which was placed on the window seal so the audience would have been able to watch it while seeing though the window of everyone living there life’s to give the video a bit more of a effect. When it came to editing my video it all went together all okay set for the skate park part I had to cut down a lot or it looked like two different videos but apart from that the editing went rather well and I was pleased with how it turned out. I didn’t have any other ideas for my video the one idea I had I stuck to other than cutting down some of the senses so it was only 5 minutes which was the max it had to be.

The audience though the music I used in my video was rather good and thought It went well with the meaning mostly everyone understood the meaning of the video as soon as the video reminded it self back to the start but some didn’t understand the video fully they thought it was more about everything going backwards than living life the same everyday.

If I could do it again I would change how I videoed it because I would more like to get a camera which I could attach to my helmet then ride round viewing people living their life’s because that way it would have been like more viewing though a persons eyes.

Koyaanisqatsi was the main video which I tried my best to base it on because Koyaanisqatsi is all to do with life but all over the world and lots more happens in that video but I had limits in my video there was only sertent places I could video mine which I choose town because it’s the main part of crawley where everything happens also I was only allowed five minutes for my video unlike Koyaanisqatsi was 87 minutes. The only thing I change was in my video I had it half of it going backward to give mine that part of a different

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Dairy Of Rewind Blake Retters Expermental Video

Because of the weather it was rather hard choosing the days I was going to film. Because all of my filming was outside but one scene was inside. The weather was always raining so I wasn’t able to take the camera out side into the rain because it would of got wet and got damaged.

The week after the weather started to brighten up. It wasn’t
Raining and it was practically dry. So I tried my best to get all my filming done on the Monday at the start of the week.

I was only able to get the filming done in town on the Monday I still had the filming to do at the skate park which luckily the weather the next day was better than the day before which meant the skate park would be dry so in my lunch time I went down there to get the last part of my video done.

When it came to putting my footage onto the computer I had to rewind it but when I did that I couldn’t find any of my footage because some how it was all in different places on the tape I wasn’t quiet sure how that happen but luckily it was all still on there it uploaded onto the computer fine it just took a little while.

When I was on I movie and managed to put all my footage in order it turned out it was way over five minutes which is the max I was meant to have the video which meant I had to cut it down what I did to sort that was there was two senses I took out but it still wasn’t the right length. When I watched it through to see what else I could take out or do to the video that wouldn’t change its meaning. In the end I ended up speeding up my footage because it was going to slow, which would just bore the audience when they are watching it.

The recorded sounds which I did before I started my filming. Where saved on my memory stick. But when I got onto the Mac computer it didn’t recognized the format so I had to get Dan the tutor to convert them into the right format for the computer. I went though the five sounds which I had recorded I wasn’t sure which one I was going to use but in the end I went with the opening of the coke can which is used at the start and end of my film.

Thursday 13 November 2008

The use of exhibition space to create meaning

Viewing videos in a dark room which most of the videos in the Tate where based draws our eyes to the bright light on the screens which makes us shut out everything else around us plus if it’s a soundproof room it would be a quiet environments so you would only here the sounds of the video which would make you even more drawn to the video because it would be the only sound you could here. Like in PSI Girls, State of flux Two Correlated Rotations and Video A and Video P .The size of the screens the video is played on can also effect the way we view it like with Gonzalez: Felix 2001 the screen was huge so even though it wasn’t in a dark room like the others the size of the screen draws our attention still.

Friday 24 October 2008



Blake Retter

DURATION:5 min (max)


AUDIO:Recorded sounds of sounds around the town and skate park and day to day objects use for freeze frames main soundtrack is a band song played though out

OUTLINE OF AUDIENCE: people at my age teen to around 20 years of age ]

Journey from skate park into town showing people living day to day life's also in shops showing people working from how busy the shops can be and how busy it is around town and showing the enteramemt that the public enjoy the video has a point where it gets up to then rewinds its self back to the Begin as if you live the same thing every day. on cernt points there will be a freeze frame on all different parts of the video where the sounds of objects eg a coke can will be herd to give it a sense of strangeness to the piece the sound wont be a match to the freeze frame picture though it would be a completely different sound. that would cut in from the band song which would be played though the whole peace.

CHARACTERS: There will be number of characters in the video because it will all be shoot some pictures at the skate parka and around the town of friends living their daily life. Any one there at the time who will volunteered

Friday 17 October 2008

The girl chewwing gum

Name of film The Girl Chewing Gum

Name of creator or films artist john smith

Duration 9min

The girl chewing gum is filmed in black and white or edited into black and white and uses diegetic sound because the sound used is only the director giving narrative over top on the video telling us what he wanted to see. Doll face Is about the director telling us what he saw over top the video taking us away from seeing what’s really happening. To be hoisted I didn’t think much of this video its not like the others it doesn’t really keep me interested and make me want to keep watching.

Telling Lies

Name of film telling lies

Name of creator or films artist simon ellis
Duration 4.20 mins

Telling lies has a phone call about telling lies about the night before. Iot uses no visual images only all different sized fronts and colours show clearly what they people are saying. Telling lies uses diegetic because the only sound used in the video is of the people speaking.
Telling lies is based on this one man having several phone calls about the night before from breaking up with his girlfriend, the phone calls lead to a lot of lying. The film left me thinking that it was a rather good video it’s a very straight forward video which I understood right away it even made me laugh at times

Doll Face

Name of film doll face

Name of creator or films artist: Andrew Huang

Duration 4min

Doll face is a robotic machine with a human face on it watching this television set which has a similar image of the face but with applied make up which it changes through out the film. The audio used was non diegetic because it had no vocal in it. The video was about a machine with a human face trying to make it look like the image of the face on the television screen so it gives out a message that what we see on the television is what we want to be always wanting to be what we see.The thoughts I had after watching doll face was that I thought it was really good video mainly because it gave off a message to me that everyone wants to be some one they are not

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Audience, and audience interpretation of the work

There are many audience interpretations on Koyaanisqatsi it gives off all different meanings.

I myself thought the whole film meant all different things like whole the worlds involved from the start of the world to what it was like when the film was made. But it could mean all different things from the name life out of balance.

Telling lies and doll face is simple to get the same idea as everyone else with doll face is that everyone wants to be like some one on television and telling lies its just about a phone call making but lies on what happen the night before.
Everyone is entitled their own option to what they think the film is all about but some times like telling lies and doll face its pretty obverse what the film is about.

Monday 13 October 2008

Narrative and non-narrative structures

I don’t think any of the experimental videos I watched was based on a book or any thing like that but they seem to have a traditionally story line to them like with 1001 night all the different stories told put into any other older it would still give us the same susceptive to what we where watching. But koyaanisqatsi has the same beginning he end of the video which makes it go around in a loop. 1001 nights wouldn’t effect the meaning of the video if it was all changed round in order of the people talking because they are all talking about completely different events so its not like the next person would be carrying on what the person was talking about before. You could have it all played backwards and it would still give out the same meaning.

How these works might inspire your own work

Koyaanisqatsi inspire me a lot with how it shows what the world is like all around even in space and also how it’s all involved over time and how they think it has changed. I like this idea but wouldn’t be able to go as far as they did when making the video but I could always do it around where I live show how it’s a different place everyday. The girl chewing gum didn’t inspire me one bit because I didn’t like the fact he was saying what was going to happen because the whole point of a video is that it keeps you interested and want to watch to find out what happens next but he just told you before it happened. Doll face that gave me completely different ideas to what I had before about when I make my experimental video because it uses green screen and animation which I would love to use to use animation but also in doll face showing that there always some thing out of reach to us all the time

Friday 10 October 2008

The use of technology and techniques and styles

Doll face and The girl chewing gum uses a complete different way of making the videos with the technology that was around when the videos where made, also by the amount of money spent on the videos.

Doll face was able to use computer graphics with green screen by taking the face of a person and adding it to the animation, but the girl chewing gum is completely different it uses no computer graphics its not in colour its just mainly shot through a black and white camera.

Koyaanisqatsi is allot different to them to because it had the money be hide it in order to go and film the places featured. Also has allot of computer technology be hide it being able to cut the sense's and have them all time with the backing track used. Using computer technology is allot more cheaper than trying top use a camera to catch and feature what you want happening in the video

the effects used in the videos don't effect the meaning of the video because you don't really need stuff like green screen to show that people want to be what others look like on TV like shown in doll face you just could video some one dressing up trying to look like some one famous.

Monday 6 October 2008


One of the experimental videos we watch was called Koyaanisqatsi which was directed by Godfrey Reggio. The videos running time is 87minutes long the whole video is made in colour also made in 1983

The name of the film koyannisqatsi is a Hopi Indian word that means Life out of balance also have other meanings which I found on a website ("crazy life," or "life in turmoil," or "life disintegrating," or "life out of balance," or "a state of life that calls for another way of living) I found this on www.thecityreview.com/koyaan.html

The film was based around on the day to day life though out the whole world showing you what the world looks like today all over he world in all different places.

The other film I watched was 1001 Nights By Jananne Al-Ani it was made in 1998 the video was made in colour and has a running time of 6 minutes long.

the othetr one we watched was telling lies which was based on a phone call about the night before and basicly making up lies as the phone calls went on.

The similarities between the films is that telling lies and 1001 nights was based on events which where spoke out but Koyaanisqatsi is showing images of some of the examples talked about in 1001 nights for example when we watch an explosion that happens in Koyaanisqatisi

Monday 29 September 2008

Name: 1001 Nights
By: Jananne Al-Ani

Made in: 1998

Running time: 6 mins

Colour Video

I found this film ater strange i sope any one would if they watched it. its about five women who talk to you dircetly as if they know your there telling you about events which sound a bit like they where in a war of some kind or in a nightmare.

to be honsted i really didnt under stand the film but if i read whta it was about before watching the film i may of understood it alot more always helps if you read the back ofa film before watching it so you can get the out line of the film.

Name: Koyaanisqatsi
Directed by: Godfrey Reggio

running time: 87 minutes

made in: 1983

I found that this film was very unsal i now know that from sarch on this film it was made for a musical. But from the every thing featured it has that bit of a edge to it that shows that its trying to send a message of some kind. judging from the start with the cave wall drawings i think its trying to show if the world did start of like that it goes on to show how much its devloped in the years which is alot seeming how this film was made in 1983 even todays world is more invanced.

the mening of the title as shown above crazy life? that even more makes me think taht this film trying to show you how the world has involed.

The film has no vocal speach in it atall all it is the music played on intrments.

craft and concept


* Craft a concept, show how the new distinction relates to existing stuff, engage in building a concept map and a topic map.(http://denham.typepad.com/km/2004/01/making_meaning.html)
Comparing two of the videos : telling lies and ludias

Telling lies: non diegetic sound though out with only hering the voices of the people on the phone having the words come up on screen. I think i was a really good peice with using only words other than images it gives it more of efect to it.

Ludias: a rythm beat sound of people and clapping and knocking on doors diegetic and non diegetic.
i thought it was an unsal peice but showing that day to day sounds whta you would hear any where could be put into a rythum.

The differents between the two are that telling lies is based on people talkin about events and ludias is the soundswhich you would hear in day to day life.

Monday 22 September 2008

Having the old west pier showing though the fence like bit on the new poer shows off what memories you can still see from other places at the seaside

I belive that experimental media is where you take different peices of media e.g video clips or a music and play around with it expermenting different ways to use it in all different ways. Like making a video out of the all differnt clips from films or a program putting it to a piece of music or taking the clip and cropping it to the lenght you want the video to be use different effects to change the video into black and white or change the angel of it and all sorts of other things

I would expect to be doing alot of editing to the videos i make being able to do stuff to the videos i wouldnt of dreamed of.