Tuesday 16 December 2008


My whole video is about day to day life when you get one cretin point in the day it like rewinds it self back to then start of the day again like you live the same thing everyday where I showed my video was on the fourth floor in room T45 it was on a small computer screen which was placed on the window seal so the audience would have been able to watch it while seeing though the window of everyone living there life’s to give the video a bit more of a effect. When it came to editing my video it all went together all okay set for the skate park part I had to cut down a lot or it looked like two different videos but apart from that the editing went rather well and I was pleased with how it turned out. I didn’t have any other ideas for my video the one idea I had I stuck to other than cutting down some of the senses so it was only 5 minutes which was the max it had to be.

The audience though the music I used in my video was rather good and thought It went well with the meaning mostly everyone understood the meaning of the video as soon as the video reminded it self back to the start but some didn’t understand the video fully they thought it was more about everything going backwards than living life the same everyday.

If I could do it again I would change how I videoed it because I would more like to get a camera which I could attach to my helmet then ride round viewing people living their life’s because that way it would have been like more viewing though a persons eyes.

Koyaanisqatsi was the main video which I tried my best to base it on because Koyaanisqatsi is all to do with life but all over the world and lots more happens in that video but I had limits in my video there was only sertent places I could video mine which I choose town because it’s the main part of crawley where everything happens also I was only allowed five minutes for my video unlike Koyaanisqatsi was 87 minutes. The only thing I change was in my video I had it half of it going backward to give mine that part of a different

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Dairy Of Rewind Blake Retters Expermental Video

Because of the weather it was rather hard choosing the days I was going to film. Because all of my filming was outside but one scene was inside. The weather was always raining so I wasn’t able to take the camera out side into the rain because it would of got wet and got damaged.

The week after the weather started to brighten up. It wasn’t
Raining and it was practically dry. So I tried my best to get all my filming done on the Monday at the start of the week.

I was only able to get the filming done in town on the Monday I still had the filming to do at the skate park which luckily the weather the next day was better than the day before which meant the skate park would be dry so in my lunch time I went down there to get the last part of my video done.

When it came to putting my footage onto the computer I had to rewind it but when I did that I couldn’t find any of my footage because some how it was all in different places on the tape I wasn’t quiet sure how that happen but luckily it was all still on there it uploaded onto the computer fine it just took a little while.

When I was on I movie and managed to put all my footage in order it turned out it was way over five minutes which is the max I was meant to have the video which meant I had to cut it down what I did to sort that was there was two senses I took out but it still wasn’t the right length. When I watched it through to see what else I could take out or do to the video that wouldn’t change its meaning. In the end I ended up speeding up my footage because it was going to slow, which would just bore the audience when they are watching it.

The recorded sounds which I did before I started my filming. Where saved on my memory stick. But when I got onto the Mac computer it didn’t recognized the format so I had to get Dan the tutor to convert them into the right format for the computer. I went though the five sounds which I had recorded I wasn’t sure which one I was going to use but in the end I went with the opening of the coke can which is used at the start and end of my film.