Monday 29 September 2008

Name: 1001 Nights
By: Jananne Al-Ani

Made in: 1998

Running time: 6 mins

Colour Video

I found this film ater strange i sope any one would if they watched it. its about five women who talk to you dircetly as if they know your there telling you about events which sound a bit like they where in a war of some kind or in a nightmare.

to be honsted i really didnt under stand the film but if i read whta it was about before watching the film i may of understood it alot more always helps if you read the back ofa film before watching it so you can get the out line of the film.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Blake Watch you punctuation and spelling! I need to see a bit more before I can comment further let me know when you have posted up chapter 1 and I will have a look.