Monday 29 September 2008

Name: 1001 Nights
By: Jananne Al-Ani

Made in: 1998

Running time: 6 mins

Colour Video

I found this film ater strange i sope any one would if they watched it. its about five women who talk to you dircetly as if they know your there telling you about events which sound a bit like they where in a war of some kind or in a nightmare.

to be honsted i really didnt under stand the film but if i read whta it was about before watching the film i may of understood it alot more always helps if you read the back ofa film before watching it so you can get the out line of the film.

Name: Koyaanisqatsi
Directed by: Godfrey Reggio

running time: 87 minutes

made in: 1983

I found that this film was very unsal i now know that from sarch on this film it was made for a musical. But from the every thing featured it has that bit of a edge to it that shows that its trying to send a message of some kind. judging from the start with the cave wall drawings i think its trying to show if the world did start of like that it goes on to show how much its devloped in the years which is alot seeming how this film was made in 1983 even todays world is more invanced.

the mening of the title as shown above crazy life? that even more makes me think taht this film trying to show you how the world has involed.

The film has no vocal speach in it atall all it is the music played on intrments.

craft and concept


* Craft a concept, show how the new distinction relates to existing stuff, engage in building a concept map and a topic map.(
Comparing two of the videos : telling lies and ludias

Telling lies: non diegetic sound though out with only hering the voices of the people on the phone having the words come up on screen. I think i was a really good peice with using only words other than images it gives it more of efect to it.

Ludias: a rythm beat sound of people and clapping and knocking on doors diegetic and non diegetic.
i thought it was an unsal peice but showing that day to day sounds whta you would hear any where could be put into a rythum.

The differents between the two are that telling lies is based on people talkin about events and ludias is the soundswhich you would hear in day to day life.

Monday 22 September 2008

Having the old west pier showing though the fence like bit on the new poer shows off what memories you can still see from other places at the seaside

I belive that experimental media is where you take different peices of media e.g video clips or a music and play around with it expermenting different ways to use it in all different ways. Like making a video out of the all differnt clips from films or a program putting it to a piece of music or taking the clip and cropping it to the lenght you want the video to be use different effects to change the video into black and white or change the angel of it and all sorts of other things

I would expect to be doing alot of editing to the videos i make being able to do stuff to the videos i wouldnt of dreamed of.